Name Search

Enter the first and/or last name of a contact. As you type the closest match will be shown and updated in a drop down list. Click on the contact names that you wish to add to rhe results table. Click close to dismiss the list.

Search for Contacts

To search for contacts, fill in as much as you feel nescessary in the form boxes. For example: If you want to find all contacts living in "Spring, Texas" with the first name "Doug", enter Doug in the First box, Spring in the City box, and TX in the State box. Press the Search button and the number of found contacts will be displayed in the Status box while the contact data is displayed below the search form in tabular format. You may have to manually scroll your browser's window down to view all of the search results.

The search is independent of case. So, spring finds the same contacts as SPRING. You may use partial entries. Hence, ring and sprin all find the contacts in Spring, TX.

Another search may be preformed by modifying the data already in the search boxes. At any time, pressing the Reset button to restore all entries to those used in the previous search.

You can search for patrial entries or words in the notes data. For example: Entering deceased in the notes window and pressing the Search button finds all contacts where the word deceased is anywhere in their notes.

Remove all entries in the data boxes by pressing the Clear button.

Clicking the Show All X check box displays all contacts in the database.

You can paste search results from the computer's screen into a text editor or spreadsheet.

You can preform logical searches by entering text in the Notes window. Use the key words AND and/or OR between search phrases. For example: To find all contacts where both Christmas and Easter are in their notes, enter "Christman AND Easter" (without the quotes) and press the Search button. To find all contacts where both Christmas and Easter or just Relatives alone is in their notes, enter "Christmas AND Easter OR Relatives". The keywords AND and OR must be in all caps and separated from search words by a space. Note: AND has a higher precedence than OR.

Clicking the Keys X checkbox brings up a list of the most frequently used Key Words in the notes of all contacts in the database. Clicking again closed the list.

A Help button on the form brings up a window containing this help topic.

Adding Contacts

Enter a contact's data into the form boxes. Use up to 9 numbers for the Zip along with a single hyphen to separate the main code from the extension; e.g. 77539-6124. Phone numbers should be of the form ###-###-####. Press the Clear button to reset all entries to blank to start over.

You can use the Tab key to move to the next form box after you have finished entering text. Shift+Tab noves the cursor to the previous box.

Include up to 500 characters in the notes window that will be saved along with the contacts data.

To put the contact's data to the database, press the Add button. The contacts data will then appear in the top row of the results table located below the blue form. The contact's row will flash red to indicate the data has been successfully entered.

A Help button on the form brings up a window containing this help topic.

Editing Contact Data

First, search for a contact so that his data is displayed in the table just below the form. Click the edit icon located to the left of the contact's name to transfer his data into the form's boxes.

While editing, you may press the Reset button to restore the data to their original values when you started editing.

Press the Update button to store the altered data in the database. The contacts data will flash red several times in the results table to indicate that the changes have taken place.

You can abandon the edit process by pressing the Cancel button. This will take you back to Searching or Adding contacts.

A Help button on the form brings up a window containing this help topic.

Using the Results Table

Clicking the Delete icon , located at the left of the contact's data row, removes the contact's information from the database. You'll be asked Do you really want to delete this contact? and given the opportunity to cancel.

You can restore the most recently deleted contact's data by pressing the Undelete button, which appears only when there is data to be recovered. The recovered contact will appear at the top af the results table and will flash red several times to indicate it has been restored.

Click the Edit icon , located at the left of the contacts's data row to transfer his data into the edit boxes in the form. When finished editing, press the Update button to enter the changes into the database.

Click the Notes icon , located at the left of the contacts's data row, to display his mailing label and notes. You can cut and paste the mail label into another application. Click the icon again to close the notes display.

Click on the results table's First Last header box to flip the order of the sarch results in either ascending or descending order based on the last name. Repeadly click the City, State Zip header box to sort the table's results by City, State, or Zip. The status window indicates the type of the most recent sort.

Click Help in the upper left corner of the results table to open up a window containing this help topic.

Printing Labels

Check the Labels X checkbox, located to the right of the form's status window, to uncover the Label configuration menu at the bottom of the blue form.

The contact's mailing addresses will be placed on 2-5/8 by 1 inch labels. There can be up to 30 labels per sheet (10 rows by 3 columns). Enter the Start Row and Column for the first label to print into the boxes on the Label menu of the data entry form. Any spill over labels will be placed on additional sheets. You can also choose the label's Font. The row, column, and font settings will be saved and restored the next time you login.

In the results table, you can check X just the contacts for labels that you want printed. Press the Uncheck All or Check All buttons at any time to restart your initial setup. Then, check only the contacts for the lables that you want to actually print.

Press the Print Labels button just above the results table to print ypur labels. Label page(s) will appear in a new browser window(s). Use the regular print facility for each browser window. You should have loaded sufficient label pages in your printer. Each page, containing up to 30 labels, will appear as a new browser window. Print each window. Choose to print just the first page for each window, as your browser may want to put out an extra blank page.

Browser's Page Setup for printing labels

Check "Shrink to Fit"
Foxfire/3 Margins = left: 0.0, right: 0.0, top:0.4, botton 0.4.
MSIE 6 Margins = left: 0.25, right: 0.25, top:0.5, botton 0.5.
MSIE 7 Margins = left: 0.25, right: 0.25, top:0.5, botton 0.5.
MSIE 8 Margins = left: 0.25, right: 0.25, top:0.5, botton 0.585.